Saturday, September 5, 2009

Before the Fieldtrip

Send a letter to the parents a day or two before the field trip reminding them of important things including clothing, lunch, medication, behavior expectations and any other issues that the parents need to be aware of regarding the outing. For the field trip to the Arboretum the following instructions will be appropriate:
  • Students should wear comfortable shoes as the field trip requires extensive walking.
  • Sack lunch with the student's name is recommended for easy portability.
  • Students must follow Arboretum rules including not picking fruits and flowers from their trees.
  • Students must stay with their groups at all times during the outing.
  • Parents need to fill in paperwork if medicine needs to be administered to the student during the field trip.

1 comment:

  1. You were very specific about some ground rules for the childrent to follow at the Arboretum. This is important to go over in detail with the children as they are tempted to break rules without realizing they are breaking them simply out of curiosity- like breaking off leaves or fruit from plants.
